3 Ways To "Kill" The Candidate Experience and Lose Interest From Applicants




Generally, the goal when in recruiting mode is to fill the role, and as fast as possible. But, are we allowing the candidate experience to take a backseat? 3 potential ways to ruin the candidate experience…and ALL are an easy fix.


1.   Not Sharing Negative Aspects of the Job


It’s just as important to share the negatives with the positives; NO JOB IS SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS 100% of the time.  Be open and honest about the “tough days” as this helps for a better understanding of the environment. Sharing this information has an unexpected benefit; it will give you a clearer idea of their mentality and show how willing they are to take on challenges.



2.   Not Giving Some Type of Tour


Don’t be afraid “to give too much away in the first meeting.”   You will be able to tell: 


   a.   Body Language – Does the candidate walk beside you or trail behind you?  Keep a conversation going…see how they keep up.  Are they asking questions or staying silent?  I like to vary my walking pace to see if they will keep stride, it has NEVER failed me!
   b.   Less Chance of Making a Bad Hire – candidates will get more of a feel for what a “day in the life” looks like thus enabling them to make informed decisions as to whether they want to work for the company. Employees are less likely to jump ship early on if they have a chance to visualize their role.
   c.   Brand Advocacy – Having been given a tour, folks are more likely to walk away with a positive image of the company even if they don’t receive an offer.  They are FAR MORE LIKELY to tell colleagues about their experience, and/or more likely to apply again – great to have candidates in the pipeline!



3.   Forgetting that Passive Candidates Have Feelings Too


The main goal with passive candidates seems to be to source them, get them to engage and generate interest in your company, and ultimately sell them on the job.  BUT, just like any other candidate, they have taken time out of their busy day to come in for an interview and most likely have spent time researching your company. Yes, you expect this, but remember, you “courted” them. 


Don’t let passive candidates fall off your “radar list” in thinking “they probably weren’t looking for a new job anyway.”  It is vitally important that you follow up with them when it comes to post-interview communication.  Again, keeping the pipeline full and steering clear of “unconscious bias” about your company is key!

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