Jobs for Production Managers in Horticulture

Below is a list of current and open Horticulture Production Manager Jobs near you.
Featured Jobs
Greeleyville, SC
Nursery and Greenhouse Operations Manager
Phoenix, MD
Landscape Production Manager
Horticulture Production Managers can be responsible for the daily production, processing, and packaging of all product in a greenhouse. Daily duties can consist of managing employees working seedling beds, planting seeds, transplanting seedlings to grow beds, harvesting, processing and packaging plants. Horticulture Production Managers are also generally responsible for all record keeping within the greenhouses including but not limited to, plan and harvest data, water quality data, packaging and shipping information.
Outstanding Production Manager Jobs are always being posted on our site. You can find other related jobs at Propagation Jobs, Greenhouse Jobs, Section Grower Jobs, Grower Jobs, and Nursery Jobs. If you don’t see what you are looking for today, keep checking back; jobs are filled fast!